The Flemish Primitives 2011

The concept of this year’s Flemish Primitives culinary event on 13th – 14th March is ENGAGING – EXCHANGING – EXPLAINING. The program is packed with exciting sessions by famous chefs, e.g.: René Redzepi, Michel Bras, Sergio Herman, Massimo Bottura and Pascal Barbot etc.

The event is moved to a bigger setting in Ostende and will also be featuring master classes and a gala dinner Sunday night. Much more information at

…I can’t wait! 😉

9 Responses to “The Flemish Primitives 2011”

  • Seems that I wasn’t the only one expecting the Michelin guide to be out today, Tuesday. Geranium held a breakfast for the press whilst waiting for the phone call – wonder if they’ll do it all again tomorrow 🙂

    Off to see what Noma have cooked for us tonight…


  • Thank you Catherine! What was missing a bit last year was for the chef to cook on stage and I think this is going to get more focus this year.

  • Catherine Turnbull

    Great to see your review of last year’s primitives. I’m going this year and wasn’t sure what to expect.

  • I have reservations on the Wednesday 😉

  • Trust them to change it the year I get a reservation for the Tuesday 🙂

  • That’s what I thought too before I contacted the Michelin guide directly to double check. They said that the restaurants will be informed in the morning on the 16th…

  • I think we normally get the press release on the Tuesday – so the 15th – and guide is officially published the day after.

  • Two days before, isn’t it?

  • The day before Cph Michelin Guide is out…

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