The Summer Trip

Ridiculous name for this post as it was raining almost the whole time and the temperature barely exceeded 20 degrees Celsius. But anyway, I originally planned that the bimmer should ride me through German, Dutch, Belgian and French dining experiences, but the very last minute I decided to skip France to the benefit of a longer cottage-vacation. The timber house needs attention and the garden needs my care. During the summer there’s (almost) no place I’d rather be. I love to just potter about my garden, prepare hearty and healthy meals, drink nice wines and just trundle about in bikini and get a bit of sun beams on my pale body. When the Nordic weather allows me, I should say. You know, simply not doing much about nothing and thereby get some energy reserves for the coming months of the autumn and the long winter.

Julot’s enchanting review had tempted me to go to France and visit Roellinger in Brittany. Unfortunately, I didn’t succeed in booking that place, and so I made up my mind about shortening this summer trip.

Anyway, my adventures offered 6 stars in four days, one of each category. I experienced three different cuisines that I would characterise as sovereign and supercilious, frail and pure, and classic and voluminous for Oud Sluis, In De Wulf and Restaurant Résidence respectively. My descriptions of these experiences will be posted soon and in the meanwhile please amuse yourself with Laurent’s pictures of the gold nugget of In De Wulf and Steve’s review of the Oud Sluis.


On my way I stopped to visit Bruges and Gent to stimulate my cultural and historical interest and both mediaeval towns come highly recommendable, if you’re touristing in the neighborhood.

Oh, one particular thing struck me about the dining experiences south of the Danish border. The wine menus I enjoyed there couldn’t really match what’s offered at the fine dining places of Copenhagen. I think we should be proud of this in Copenhagen.

10 Responses to “The Summer Trip”

  • Hi Karel

    Thanks so much for your comment and your restaurant tip! Wow, that was incredibly sweet of Darinka to drive you that far!

    I surely hope to get back there in 2009(2010!).


  • Hi Trine,

    Very good food blog.
    If you cross the bridge shown in your picture you can find another lovely one * restaurant called c-jean (

    We also enjoyed our dinner at In De Wulf. After dinner Kobe’s girlfriend took as back to the hotel ( about 15 km away from the restaurant.
    Very sweet.


  • Ah Neil, thanks for that. Something for a Monday lunch is what I’m looking for. I think. As I’m four days in Edinburgh four days prior I may have to settæe for something less than ***.

    Hmm, Laurant. I’m considering Ze Kitchen Galerie…?

  • Yup Trine, I think and do agree that Le Meurice deserves a little try when you come back here in September. Expensive tasting menu (as PG, 220€) combined with a nice wine menu (160€). As said by Neil, it’s closed during the weekend and opened the whole week for lunch and dinner. Reservation is mandatory.

    I’ve never been to Spring, have heard a lot of things (most are positive) but not enough to convince to go there.

    Btw, i got a table booked a table at Akelare 3* in San Sebastian for mid august (noma will not be possible, to be postponed during autumn/winter)… i’m looking forward to my first spanish top food experience :o),… but first Hof Van Cleve tomorrow :o)

    Have a nice weekend,


  • Trine, Le Meurice is only open weekdays – I was wanting to go for Saturday lunch. Luckily Paris has some good options for Saturday lunchtime dining unlike many other places.


  • Laurent, I was actually thinking about the set wines they offer at noma. It’s outstanding as is their wine list. 😛 Hm… Le Meurice, I’m considering it for my next Paris trip. Are they open on Sunday evening? Also, I’m considering Daniel Rose’s Spring – have you ever been there?

    Wonderful, Lisa!! I look forward to meeting you! 😀

    JC, Oh no. Where did you hear that? 😉

    Yes, Neil I think that’s a very good point. But Holland isn’t a (real) wine producing country either and the wine set I got at Oud Sluis *** wasn’t more pleasing than what I’ve got at noma. What I mean is, the discussion whether a wine list can influence on the number of stars given to a restaurant or not is proved not to hold any truth.

  • Perhaps the wine lists are good because, not being wine producers of any note, the Danes don’t feel obliged to be parochial? For example, at lunch at The Paul last week, my wines came from Germany, Austria, France and New Zealand – marvellous. Would that happen in Paris?


  • Well you know, Danes have a reputation for being heavy drinkers. Not that that’s necessarily a bad thing. 😉

  • Trine! planning a trip to Copenhagen this autumn and it would be great to meet! My husband is completely spoiled after noma and is no fun eating out with any more. I hope geranium and Kiin Kiin will cheer him up.

    Mail me!

  • ‘Morning Trine :o)

    Can’t wait for your pics of Oud Sluis and In de Wulf now.

    And you’re right about wine menus, this is something i’ve found very interesting and spectacular at both Noma and Geranium.

    I don’t know many french restaurants offering this according to a food menu (except if you ask especially for it).

    L’Air du Temps in Belgium and Le Meurice in Paris are doing it (and both are worth a visit :o).

    Have a nice (sunny) day (thinking of your “pale body” :o)


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