Geranium Ranked World 77th Best!

Denmark has not only one but TWO restaurants listed on Restaurant Magazine’s list of the world’s best restaurant.

Geranium is listed as number 77th on this year’s S.Pellegrino World’s 100 Best Restaurants.

Congratulations Rasmus, Søren, Mette and your great team. You definitely deserve it and I hope to see you within the top 50 next year!

Source: Restaurant Magazine/BigHospitality

4 Responses to “Geranium Ranked World 77th Best!”

  • Ha ha. Goodness, you are funny, Rasmus! Last night I dreamt I was lunching at noma and it was a fine summer day. I think it’s a sign that I have to go again very soon!

    Have fun!! And say hi to the guys for me. I still haven’t settled when I’m taking my dad to sit at the children’s table 😉

  • It’s today – in two hours. Maaaan, I’m exited. Bumped into Kofoed the other day in Kings Garden and ‘warned’ him the old folks are coming out – he just smiled and said: ‘ok, lets give them a surprise’.

    For the past two nights I have been dreaming weird dreams where Kofoed started to dance Zorba and put my parents at a children-miniature-table, so I’m quite exited as well.


  • You’re so right, Rasmus! And thaaaaanks for link to the presentation. It’s fantastic to watch René, Lau and everyone! Hehe.

    How was your Geranium lunch? Wasn’t it last week?


  • A big big hoorey for both Noma and Geranium. This is almost better than winning the European Championship of soccer in ’92. Cause this time, we actually deserved it 🙂

    Of course Noma is the big story right now, but I can’t help to feel, that this is a milestone for Geranium. The list is very very hard to enter, but not as hard to climp. I think (and hope) this is the T-Minus countdown for Geranium, as they prepare for their rocket launch into gastro orbit. Can’t wait for next years list.

    By the way – here is a 5 minute video from the presentation:


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