The holidays have been spent eating, of course, but also preparing the brand new Verygoodfood Mobile Edition. Same blog, same images – but formatted for your iPhone or what-have-you.
It’s tested on an iPhone 3GS, so if you own an iPhone 4, and Android or some other smartphone, and things look weird – please let me know.
Just visit from your phone, and voilà.
Now: Gotta make the traditional marzipan cake for new year’s eve, and of course nurse the truffles 🙂
Neil, JC and Gabe – Thank you!
JC, thanks much for your feedback. “We” are aware of those issues, Thanks! 🙂
I’ll install it once there are more regular updates. Love the website though.
Two things (tested on an iPhone 4):
1) I can’t enlarge the text;
2) Very minor, but the “How to make Verygoodfood…” embedded section doesn’t fit on the screen, and can’t be scrolled horizontally to see the rest of it.
However, I can touch the individual images to view them separately, then enlarge them.
Otherwise, everything looks nifty. 🙂
Good job!
You should find some time to read all those unread mails though, Trine 😉
Happy New Year.