Verygoodfood for Mobile

The holidays have been spent eating, of course, but also preparing the brand new Verygoodfood Mobile Edition. Same blog, same images – but formatted for your iPhone or what-have-you.

It’s tested on an iPhone 3GS, so if you own an iPhone 4, and Android or some other smartphone, and things look weird – please let me know.

Just visit from your phone, and voilà.

Now: Gotta make the traditional marzipan cake for new year’s eve, and of course nurse the truffles 🙂

How to make Verygoodfood a part of your home screen

For easy access to Verygoodfood (and the chance to see the nice load screen), add Verygoodfood to the home screen on your iPhone.

1) Go to in Safari and press the Add to… icon (the square with the arrow)

2) Choose Add to home screen

3) Enter Verygoodfood as the label and…

4) You have a very nice VGF icon on your iPhone 🙂

4 Responses to “Verygoodfood for Mobile”

  • Neil, JC and Gabe – Thank you!

    JC, thanks much for your feedback. “We” are aware of those issues, Thanks! 🙂

  • I’ll install it once there are more regular updates. Love the website though.

  • Two things (tested on an iPhone 4):

    1) I can’t enlarge the text;

    2) Very minor, but the “How to make Verygoodfood…” embedded section doesn’t fit on the screen, and can’t be scrolled horizontally to see the rest of it.

    However, I can touch the individual images to view them separately, then enlarge them.

    Otherwise, everything looks nifty. 🙂

  • Good job!

    You should find some time to read all those unread mails though, Trine 😉

    Happy New Year.


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